Feiertage und Feste in der ganzen Welt

linkKanada (Manitoba) : Feiertage, Schließung der Banken, Schulferien

Kanada (Manitoba) : komplette Liste der die Feiertage, Schließungen von Banken und Börsen, Schulferien, Messen, kulturelle und sportliche Veranstaltungen, Festivals, Karneval, Wahl für die drei nächsten Monate

  • Währung: Dollar (CAD)

  • Internet-Bereich: .ca - Telefonvorwahl: +1 - Um im Ausland anzurufen: 011
  • Wochenende: Samstag & Sonntag
  • ZUM ÜBERSETZEN IN DIE JEWEILIGEN LANDESSPRACHEN: Englisch (350 Mio. Sprecher in 47 Ländern), Französisch (150 Mio. Sprecher in 30 Ländern), Eingeborenensprachen ...
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  • DatumNameArtMehr
    Freitag 20. dezember, 2024Winterferien (Anfang)Schulferien (bitte zweimal prüfen)
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    Mittwoch 25. dezember, 20241. WeihnachtstagKatholisch oder protestantisch
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    Mittwoch 1. januar, 2025NeujahrsfestWeltliche Feiertage
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    Montag 6. januar, 2025Winterferien (Ende)Schulferien (bitte zweimal prüfen)
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    Montag 17. februar, 2025Louis RieltagWeltliche Feiertage
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    Freitag 28. märz, 2025Frühlingsferien (Anfang)Schulferien (bitte zweimal prüfen)
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    Winterferien (Anfang)

    Freitag 20 dezember, 2024
    Schulferien :

    1. Weihnachtstag

    Mittwoch 25 dezember, 2024
    Katholisch oder protestantisch : Tag der Geburt Jesu Christi. Von der Jungfrau Maria geboren, ist er zugleich Sohn Gottes und der gesamten Menschheit. Jesus von Nazareth ist höchst wahrscheinlich im Frühling geboren.


    Mittwoch 1 januar, 2025
    Weltliche Feiertage : The world's most widely celebrated holiday, New Years was set on January 1 by Julius Caesar because that was the date the Roman consuls took over their duties. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

    Winterferien (Ende)

    Montag 6 januar, 2025
    Schulferien : Www.edu.gov.mb.ca
    calendar issued by the Ministry of Education
    2022 PISA ranking: #8 with a 506 score
    Schooling is mandatory till age 18
    number of instructional days per year in lower secondary education: 183-186
    schools close on Saturday
    school uniforms mostly required
    University of Manitoba ranking: Times Higher Education #401-500/QS ranking #551-600/Shanghai #401-500

    We carry confirmed dates till July 2025

    Please note that authorities may take last-minute decisions; please double-check if this information is vital to you
    Make a Paypal donation of euros 50 to [email protected] to purchase the full calendar for 5 countries, including Manitoba schools
    Contact [email protected] to purchase a file containing confirmed calendars of 550 countries and regions.

    Louis Rieltag

    Montag 17 februar, 2025
    Weltliche Feiertage : Riel was the undisputed spiritual and political head of the short-lived 1885 Rebellion. He never carried arms and hindered the work of his military head, Gabriel Dumont. Riel was increasingly influenced by his belief that he was chosen to lead the Métis people. On May 15, shortly after the fall of Batoche, Riel surrendered to Canadian forces and was taken to Regina to stand trial for treason. At his trial, Riel gave two long speeches which demonstrated his powerful rhetorical abilities. He personally rejected attempts by his defence counsel to prove he was not guilty by reason of insanity. On 1 August 1885, a jury of six English-speaking Protestants found Riel guilty but recommended mercy. Judge Hugh Richardson sentenced him to death. Attempted appeals were dismissed and a special re-examination of Riel's mental state by government appointed doctors found him sane. He was hanged in Regina on 16 November, 1885. His execution was widely opposed in Quebec and had lasting political ramifications.

    Frühlingsferien (Anfang)

    Freitag 28 märz, 2025
    Schulferien : nur in Alberta, Edmonton